Kan er iemand mijn Engelse tekst corrigeren?

An integrated test is an important part of the last year of secondary school. We have received our task from Mr. Moons. By accurate work and tight fitting parts we produce something functional. This thesis shows the construction of a transmission. The cogwheels can be replaced by V-belts or any other transmission.

We have started with sketches with wrong measurements. We started with correcting and adapting all the measurements. After that, we bought all the needed materials and we could get to work. I took charge of the turning, while Kamiel did all the millwork. In a couple of places we ran into some mistakes in the design, but we solved them very well together. Because I had to do the turning, I had a huge responsibility. This was because some of the parts had to be accurate to a hundredth of a millimetre. By consulting together, we finished all the parts on time. Then we had to do one more thing; drill and mill some holes and grooves with CNC. As we did before, we searched for the right solution together and we succeeded. The result is that our piece of work is ready and functions.

For the theory, we have had help from Mrs. Vaes. By dividing all the work, everything improved well. Especially the translation and the right classification were a challenge. The required costing and choice of materials were things we had to think about. This made us realise that a lot of things are needed to produce a piece of work.

In the mean time we had some problems. By working together very well we solved and even improved some things. Especially about the holes and the bolts we had some discussion. But we adapted this. There is more work involved than most people expect. You have to pay attention to everything because one mistake can make the whole piece fail.

We have learned a lot, also how to work simpler or to use simpler methods. We have used the time that we received optimally what made us learn how to work with a deadline and how to make a good planning. But because of the good cooperation and the attention we have succeeded.