
  • Tarana

    Ik moet voor school een essay-argumentive inleveren, maar zou iemand hem voor mij willen controleren op spelling/ zinopbouw….

    alvast bedankt :D


    ?Homoadoption?, double fun?

    In December 2003 the ?WOBKA? law in the Netherlands will be changed. What means that from now on it is possible for homosexual couples to adopt children. After this change starts a big discussion; opponents says that it?s better for children to grow up in a ?normal? family, but what?s a ?normal? family? And why are gay couples not normal?

    I think that it must be possible for everyone who can give children care and love to adopt a child, gay or hetero.

    Before the law changed it was already possible for gay couples to adopt children, but that was really difficult. First, one of the parents have to adopt the child, after that starts a three years long adoption method for the other parent to get also parenthood.

    A reason against ?homoadoption? will be that adoption Childs are already in a difficult position, because the haven?t got real parents. Experts says for that children it?s the best to grow up in a most usual environment. But I be of the opinion that the most important for children is growing up in a warm and careful family.

    Gay couples who wants to adopt a child have to do a lot of screenings to see if they are competent for the parent ship, so the won?t be very bad. What I see also as a good thing is that when someone wants to adopt children (gay or not) he has mostly thought a long time about it, and his children wish is really strong.

    Another reason from opponents was that not any country would cede adoption Childs on gay couples, but that is nonsense. Countries like the USA and South Africa will cede children on gay couples. So that isn?t a problem either.

    I really hope that after a few years more countries will change the law in order that more parentless childs get a careful and warm childhood.

  • Mieke

    It does not seem fair to the other students if you get help from outside.You get a better essay if you read some articles in english on the internet, that way you will pick up the correct terminology for this subject.

  • julius

    Toch even een paar opmerkingen:

    “will be changed” gaat over de toekomst. December 2003 is in het verleden.

    “from now on” is dus ook fout.

    “careful” betekent voorzichtig.

    “parent ship” is een boot!

    “adopt children (gay or not)” zijn de kinderen dus homo?

    veel succes.

  • herma

    'not any country' —> ‘ no country’

    'opponents says' —> ‘opponents say’

    'After this change starts' —> ‘This change caused’

    'gay or hetero' —> gay or straight

    'I think' —> ‘in my opinion’ or ‘I believe’

    'haven’t got real parents' —> ‘have no real parents’

    Dit is maar een kleine greep uit het hele stukje. Het is erg nederlands, erg direct. Als je veel engelse kranten leest, of engelse columns op het net krijg je al snel een ‘feeling’ voor de toon die men gebruikt in ‘schrijftaal’.

    Ik heb geen idee wat voor opleiding je doet en wat het nivo zou moeten zijn van je essay.. maar in je stukje komt niet terug wat je met de titel zou kunnen bedoelen