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  • Pikey

    Wat betekent “Hoochie Coochie Man”

    Kom dat al jaren tegen in Mannish Boy van Muddy Waters en ook Steppenwolf heeft een nummer met dat als titel geschreven, maar ik weet niet wat dat betekent !



  • julius

    Volgens http://blueslyrics.tripod.com/blueslanguage.htm#hoochie_coochie_man :

    1 - the word hooch is slang for alcoholic liquor especially when inferior or illicitly made or obtained. Haven't found a (slang) meaning for the word cooch(ie) but it most likely refers to the female genitals. The term hoochie coochie man would then refer to a man (who prides himself) getting his share of booze and women;

    2 - one who preaches voodoo;

    3 - conjure ‘doctors’, male or female

    4 - but then again Jack King says: “The definition (2 and 3, BH) you have is wrong. A ”hootchie cootchie“ is a woman's sex, and a 'hootchie cootchie man” is her lover. You can check this out with any true blues people (male or female). The term “hootchie cootchie” is sometimes shortened to “cootchie” in everday conversation. Thanks to Jack King for this contribution to the list;

    5 - John Garst recalls: “From my youth, I recall ”she danced the hoochie coochie.“ See this link for some of the words to ”Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis". Thanks to John Garst for this contribution to the list;

    6 - Pop's the Bluesman from Green Bay, WI, writes: "The term cootchie is slang for a womans vagina. Doin' the the hootchie cootchie means to do the deed!. Thanks to Pop's the Bluesman for this contribution to the list.

    We will dance the hoochie-coochie

    You will be my tootsie-wootsie

    If you will meet me in St. Louis, Louis

    Meet me at the fair!–“Meet Me in St. Louis”

    This refers to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition: the World's Fair of 1904. Thanks to John Garst for this contribution to the list


    This phrase can be found in:

    The Jeff Healey Band, Hoochie Coochie Man, Willie Dixon, (I'm your) Hoochie Coochie Man

    Muddy Waters, (I'm your) Hoochie Coochie Man & Mannish Boy

    Dus, niet helemaal duidelijk…..