engels huiswerk

  • kisha


    Ik heb binnenkort een mondeling engels en ik wilde vragen of iemand mij vragen kan controleren zodat ik in iedergeval goeie vragen en antwoorden heb.

    What colour looks most radiant on you?

    - I've never been able to tell what colours look good on me, but I think black is probably my best colour

    At what age did you start getting into fashion?

    -I've always cared how I looked but I hadn't really got into fashion. Till I started to read Elle and other fashion magazines at the age of fifteen. I got into the world of designers, fashion and models.

    What are the fashion trends you love right now?

    - At the moment, I'm absolutely in love with the ballerina?s

    Who is the style icon?

    - I think it is Kate moss, she always knows what looks good

    Which beauty product you couldn't live without?

    -my eyeliner, i used it almost every day!

    How often do you go clothes shopping?

    -Hm Monthly

    What do you spend most of your money on?


    How much do you spend on clothes in one month?

    -Not so much, 50 euro I think.

    Where do you shop?

    -I love to shop by Zara

    Do you have designer clothes?

    -The only designer items I buy are purfumes. I can't afford designer clothes and I've never been the girl to care much about brands or names.

    Alvast heel erg bedankt!

  • Angelica

    Hoi Kisha,

    Dit is hoe ik het ongeveer zou hebben gezegd, ik heb wel jouw taalgebruik laten staan omdat het anders niet herkenbaar is. Ik zou de 2 zinnen die je kort hebt beantwoord even nog lang maken, ik denk dat dat ook de bedoeling is. Als je vragen krijgt is het bovendien vaak de bedoeling dat je die vraag nog een stukje herhaalt dus bijvoorbeeld:

    Hoeveel geld besteed je per maand aan kleding?

    antw: Ik besteed ongeveer 50 euro per maand aan kleding.

    What colour looks most radiant on you?

    - I've never been able to tell what colour looks good on me, but I think black probably suits me best.

    At what age did you started to get interested in fashion?

    -I've always cared about how I looked but I wasn´t really interested in fashion. Until I started to read Elle and other fashion magazines at the age of fifteen. That´s about the age I´ve got interested in everything about designers, fashion and models.

    What are the fashion trends you love right now?

    - At the moment, I'm absolutely in love with ballerina’s (ik weet dat hier een woord voor is in het Engels maar kom er even niet op)

    Who is the you´re style icon?

    - I think it is Kate moss, she always knows what looks best

    Which beauty product you couldn't live without?

    -My eyeliner, I use it almost every day!

    How often do you go clothes shopping?

    -Hm Monthly

    What do you spend most money on?


    How much do you spend on clothes in one month?

    -Not so much, I think about 50 euros.

    Where do you shop?

    -I love to shop at Zaras

    Do you have designer clothes?

    -The only designer items I buy are perfumes. I can't afford designer clothes and I've never been the girl to care much about brands or names.

    Alvast heel erg bedankt!