Kan iemand onderstaande tekst voor mij controleren. Ik heb hem naar engels vertaald, maar ben er zelf absoluut niet tevreden over.
Since 1982 volleyballclub ODI organises her International Youth Volleyball Tournament. This year again this youth-event takes place. After all those years ODI has made many contacts with clubs from several countries, especially in Europe, but also in the rest of the world. Herewith they are responsible for the largest international youth-volleybaltournament of Western-Europe. This is a very good performance and a whole lot of organisation. Each year again it?s enjoyable to see those volleyball players, from different countries, gather together to participate in this tournament.
This year again the location of the tournament is at sports place ?De Klep?. During the two days of the tournament ODI may welcome over 200 teams from 8-10 different countries. The total number of players is around 2500. With the help of many volunteering members of the club and the local community (about 400) the tournament will stay on the right track.
Hereby I wish all the participants, the organisation, spectators and volunteers two pleasant and sporty days. I hope that all of us can make an unforgettable tournament!