Wie kan deze zinnen voor me vertalen?

  • Jan

    Investigate and resolve invoice enquiries in an accurate and timely manner.

    Handle customer enquiries whilst providing professional customer service.

    Accurately log queries in oracle when required.

    Meet individual targets on average number of resoved queries per day.

    Ik ben je erg dankbaar, als je deze zinnen nog vanavond voor me zou kunnen vertalen.

  • Jennifer

    It took you long, it took you long, it took you long, for you to call back

    And normally i just forget that

    except for the fact it was my birthday, my stupid birthday

    I play along, i play along, i play along nowbody have a flat back

    Buth ovesly my amor was cracked

    can i have a boyfriend well forget that, who want forget that

    the type of gye who woodn't see what he has until she leeves

    dont let me go …

    cause with that me you knew you lost and now pay the kost

    soon you will now…

    cursus :

    you're not leaving to your leaving

    leaving with me…

    you're not within to your within

    within me…

    you're not getting to you're getting

    getting to me…

    you're not leaving to your leaving

    leaving with me…

    this is the potetial break up song

    allright believe just one

    oh baby pleas, pleas tell me

    we got along, we got along, we got along until you get that

    now all i want is just my stuff back

    do you get that

    let me repeat that, i wont my stuff back

    you can send it in a box and just drop it off

    i wont be home…

    cause within me you new you're lost sow i sounder better of

    soon you will now …

    you're not leaving to yout leaving

    leaving with me…

    you're not within to your within

    we e e ee…

    you're not getting to you're getting

    getting to me…

    you're not leaving to you're leaving

    leaving to me…

    (guitar) you can trie, you can trie

    (guitar) you will not it is a lie

    (guitar) now i realy have to crie

    (guitar) so you gotta think clearer, clearer

    before you neal it neal it

    the stuff is seatuwhatet because you are

    gonna misdaled

    come on ….

    ( cursus )

    this is the potential breakup song

    allright believe just one

    oh baby pleas, pleas tell me

    la la la …