Zou iemand deze tekst misschien even kunnen doorkijken op grammatica/spellings fouten?
For this oral test I chose the subject: ‘the impact of smell, especially peppermint scent, on the ability to concentrate of students.’
This subject is linked to the subject of my profielwerkstuk. I’m talking about my profielwerkstuk because I still have no idea what I want to study after this year.
The main question of my profielwerkstuk is: ‘what is the impact of lavender and peppermint scent on the ability to concentrate of students between 12 and 18 years?’
I think this subject is very interesting, because it is fascinating that odors can influence your behavior and thoughts.
Previous researches have shown that scents affect people. Rose scent makes you feel more romantic, lavender fragrance makes you calmer, the smell of detergent causes you to clean up, orange scent makes you less aggressive and wood scents stimulate buying behavior.
Various studies have shown that peppermint scent has a positive effect on sport performance and alertness.
Usually you do not notice that odors have influence on you. Therefore, smell was seen as one of the minor senses for a long time. Through research in recent years, we know that smell has many influences on our thoughts, our behavior, our memory, our mood, our sport performance and even our dreams.
The impact of smell is usually unconscious. That is why we find it difficult to appoint odors. We can clearly name what we see of hear, but to describe exactly what we smell is much more difficult.
About 7 months ago, in April this year, an English primary school in Liverpool has investigated the influence of peppermint odor on the students. A peppermint scent is distributed in the classrooms for four weeks long.
The students made an assignment on the computer every day. This task tested their concentration, memory and attitude.
The teachers noticed a positive difference and the results of the test showed the same effect.
Before we understand how our brains are affected by odors, we still need much research. We already know that the area where your brains analyze your smell is located next to the area where your memory is located. Therefore, you can remember things better when you smell something that is linked to something in your memory.
The teachers of the schools where the test was performed are very positive about the results. Students can concentrate better and get better grades. The directors of the schools have no doubts about the positive impact of peppermint scent in the classrooms.
Not everyone is enthusiastic about the test. Some people say that the results are not reliable, because the students knew what the purpose of the test was, there are also people who do not believe that the conclusion which is drawn is correct. They say that the change makes the students feel more awake. They believe that when they get used to the new scent, their performance will be the same as they were before. Others find it ridiculous that children are so spoiled. When they are older and have a job, they have to perform for real. At that moment they can not demand that their bosses make their offices smell like peppermint.