hallo Native Speakers
voor een aanmelding bij een Engelse universiteit moet ik een motivatie meesturen. Ik heb hem al geschreven en vind hem goed, maar zou het fijn vinden als een Native Speaker er nog even naar kijkt en eventueel verbeteringen doorgeeft.
Reasons for applying
My reason for applying for this programme is quite simply that I love History and I want to move beyond being an enthusiastic lay woman to a deeper insight and understanding of History.
When I went to teacher training college at age 18 I chose History and English as my subjects because I love History and the English language. I had planned to continue onto a master’s programme for History.
However, due to personal circumstances I didn’t finish my course at that time which is something I have always regretted.
Luckily a few years ago I had the chance to go back to university to get my degree after all. Unfortunately nowadays teaching degrees are only awarded for one subject and as I was offered a job as a teacher of English (as a foreign language) this practical consideration meant I took my degree in the subject English.
I have always been an avid reader and when I was in my teens my main focus was on English literature. However, this focus soon shifted more towards History and today about 75% of all I read is History. It is the one subject of which I never tire. My reading is quite diverse, my favourite books include Dairmaid MacCulloch’s “Reformation”, David Cesarani’s biography of Eichmann and “England under the Norman and Angevin Kings” by Robert Bartlett, but, as an anglophile, I read most widely about English History. One of the things that appeal to me very much in your programme is that you offer many units in English History. So I could delve into my preferred area of study to my heart’s content.
Of course I could just continue reading about History and enjoying that but I have long wanted to do more than that, to understand more and to develop into a real historian. This is my one unfulfilled dream.
Doing this course in English would provide an extra stimulus as I love reading and writing in English and almost all the books I read are in this language. As you can see I have a Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (enclosed) in which I scored an A grade. Besides that of course I am also a qualified teacher of English as a foreign language (BEd, enclosed)
I sincerely hope I will be accepted into your BA History programme as it would mean a dream come true for me.
Ik zie dat als ik deze tekst hierin kopieer hij alles rood maakt omdat hij niet ziet dat het Engels is. Ik hoop dat het toch te lezen is.