Engelsetekst nakijken

  • erik@mbfh.nl

    Ik heb een engelse tekst geschreven, maar zou die graag willen laten nakijken.

    De tekst staat hieronder. Als iemand kan helpen of een goed idee heeft, dan hoor ik het graag.

    Groeten, Erik

    New sustainable fashion label 2el8 online”:”To Make Joyful and Proud”

    Arnhem is not only a top shopping and nightlife city, but the city is also becoming increasingly important as a fashion city. Now we also can determine that the capital city of Gelderland has a unique position when it comes to sustainable fashion. In fact, Arnhem is a sustainable fashion label richer; ‘2el8’.

    2EL8 (to elate) means “to make Joyful and proud”. The collection is "Earth Positive”, made from natural materials and the products are Fair Trade produced. They want to bundle durability, color, quality and a fresh look together. Each season they are working with a fresh new theme, and the designs are created by designers from around the world, so the collection is and stays unique. The collection is only for sale online, this makes it possible that the collection can be sold for a fair price.


    At the moment, the clothing of 2el8 only can be ordered online. On www.2el8.com, you can not only find news facts, but you also find the original web shop. 2el8 is unique by the system they use. In three simple steps you are able to create your own item. Choose a model, color, size and one of the exclusive designs, after, you check the order, pay and it will be send. The clothing is printed on demand so there is no stock, which is better for the environment. The clothing and bags are fair trade produced and for printing they use environmental friendly ink.


    Very special is that the 2el8 shop can be found on Facebook. It is one of the first sustainable clothing shops where you can buy through Facebook. At the 2el8 Facebook page can be directly purchased, it is the same shop as on the official web site. Facebook is one of the fastest growing social networking sites and is checked daily by millions of people around the world. For a young and durable company like 2el8, Facebook is the place to sell clothes and distribute it internationally. Also, young creative’s get the chance to design for the label and so get the possibility to be discovered. 2el8 uses the interactivity of Facebook to quickly make contact with the target groups and designers around the world.


    2el8 works with themes, this season’s theme is “Cities”. It is an urban theme where different aspects can be shown for example street-culture, famous buildings or skylines. 2el8 offers several unique designs, which are specially designed for 2el8 by different designers from all over the world. 2el8 has a network of young, national and international designers, but love to give new designers a chance to design for this sustainable clothing label. Designs are regularly added, modified and deleted, this keeps the collection special.

  • MaCa

    Dit is een commerciele tekst en, to be fair, dit zou door een vertaal bureau nagekeken/gecorrigeerd moeten worden, at cost, vind ik, maar misschien hebben anderen een wat vriendelijker geaarde mening ?

  • erik@mbfh.nl

    Snap ik wel, heb je misschien een goed adres?

    Maar als iemand het wel zou willen doen, zou dat natuurlijk heel fijn zijn… (tu)