Dat zul je net zien

  • Kurtus

    Beste taalliefhebbers,

    Hoe vertaal je:

    Dat zul/zal je net zien dat dat gebeurt als er mensen zitten te eten.

    Iedereen vast bedankt,

    Met vriendelijke groeten,


  • julius

    Murphy's law! Just as people are eating

  • MaCa

    Julius, I hate to correct you, but shouldn't it be : just when people are eating?

  • julius

    That depends….

    If it is a sudden occurrence, then “just as” is better but if it is a continuing occurrence then “just when” can be used.


    The roof fell in just as people were eating

    The band played loudly just when people were eating

  • hankh

    'This is bound to happen when people are eating' zou ik zeggen.

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