Engelse tekst

  • Kees

    Voor engels op school moeten we een stukje engels schrijven. Nu is dit niet mijn sterkste kant. Zou iemand kunnen controleren of deze twee teksten kloppen?

    Tekst 1

    The turn of the screw is going about a young teacher. She has to look after two children: Miles and Flora.

    After an few days the teacher saw a man on the tower. She thought that it was Peter Quint. But Mrs. Grose (the cleaner) didn’t believe her because he was died last year.

    In the middle of the night is Flora away. She goes to Miss Jessel (The teacher before the new). The teacher and Mrs. Grose decided to follow Flora.

    Mrs. Grose can’t see Miss Jessel. Because Miss Jessel was died last year.

    When Mrs. Grose came home she talked with Miles. He told her that he dismissed of school because he said bad things.

    Then comes Peter Quint for the window. The teacher screamed that he must go.

    And than ends the story.

    Tekst 2

    Question 1:

    Did Billy do the right thing in lying to his father about going to ballet class? Mention two different/better ways to handle it.

    -Billy’s father was angry because he thought ballet is not a sport for guys. He would like that his son did boxing or play football. I think that Billy has done the wrong thing. He shouldn’t lie to his father. If he was honest to his father. Billy didn’t need to lie to his father. He told him what he does in his time after school.

    - Billy had explained to his father that he didn’t like boxing or football. Maybe his father respected him than.

    Question 2:

    What are Billy’s father’s argument(s) for not allowing his son to do ballet and what is your opinion about these arguments? Give reasons. How could he have brought across his message differently?

    He thinks that ballet isn’t a sport for guys. He thinks that guys must do football or boxing. In my opinion a child is allowed to do anything he wants. All people have different interests. And you have to respect that.

    He should have told it directly to his father and invited him to come and look to see how good Billy is.

    Question 3:

    Are there circumstances under which it is acceptable that children lie to their parents? Describe two such situations. Describe two situations in which a child would not be justified in lying to his or her parents.

    In my opinion a child can’t lie to his parents. Your parents are the persons that you can always trust. You can tell everything to your parents. Because when you can’t trust your parents you can’t trust anybody. I know that’s very difficult to do something that nobody expects from you, but the best way to glory is following your heart. I understand that it was a hard decision, but you must do what you want.

    Question 4:

    Describe two situations that you have heard about in which people have broken out of the expectations that their parents, family and community had of them and have done something unexpected with their lives.

    Some people want to move to another country. Because they want to start another life. Often they go to Spain or France to starting there a camping or a hotel. Some people come back after one month they didn’t feel well in the other country. But they can say that they did it.

  • LiesbethR

    Hoi Kees,

    Hierbij de aangepaste versie:

    Tekst 1

    The turn of the screw is about a young teacher who has to look after two children: Miles and Flora.

    After a few days the teacher saw a man on the tower. She thought that it was Peter Quint. Mrs. Grose (the cleaner) didn’t believe her, because Peter Quint died last year.

    In the middle of the night Flora went away; she went to Miss Jessel (her former teacher). The teacher and Mrs. Grose decided to follow Flora.

    Mrs. Grose couldn’t see Miss Jessel, because Miss Jessel died last year.

    When Mrs. Grose came home she talked with Miles. He told her that he was expelled from school because he said bad things.

    Then Peter Quint appeared before the window. The teacher screamed that he must go.

    That is the end of the story.

    Tekst 2

    Question 1:

    Did Billy do the right thing in lying to his father about going to ballet class? Mention two different/better ways to handle it.

    -Billy’s father was angry because he thought ballet is not a sport for guys. He would like his son to box or play football. I think that Billy has done the wrong thing. He shouldn’t lie to his father. If he had been honest with his father, Billy didn’t need to lie to his father about what he does after school.

    - Billy could have explained to his father that he didn’t like boxing or football. Maybe his father would have respected him.

    Question 2:

    What are Billy’s father’s argument(s) for not allowing his son to do ballet and what is your opinion about these arguments? Give reasons. How could he have brought across his message differently?

    He thinks that ballet isn’t a sport for guys. He thinks that guys must do football or boxing. In my opinion a child is allowed to do anything he wants. All people have different interests. And you have to respect that.

    Billy should have told his father and invited him to come and see to see how good he is.

    Question 3:

    Are there circumstances under which it is acceptable that children lie to their parents? Describe two such situations. Describe two situations in which a child would not be justified in lying to his or her parents.

    In my opinion a child shouldn’t lie to his parents. Your parents are the persons that you can always trust. You can tell everything to your parents. If you can’t trust your parents you can’t trust anybody. I know that’s very difficult to do something that nobody expects from you, but the best way to glory is following your heart. I understand that it was a hard decision, but you must do what you want.

    Question 4:

    Describe two situations that you have heard about in which people have broken out of the expectations that their parents, family and community had of them and have done something unexpected with their lives.

    Some people want to move to another country, because they want to start another life. Often they go to Spain or France to start a camping or a hotel. Some people come back after one month, because they didn’t feel at home in the other country. But at least they can say that they tried.

    Nog wel even een paar opmerkingen:

    Vraag 1: vraagt om 2 betere/andere manieren om ermee om te gaan. jij geeft er maar 1, namelijk niet liegen en dan hopen dat zijn vader hem respecteert. Je mist dus nog een manier.

    Vraag 3: vraagt om 2 situaties waarin het gerechtvaardig is als een kind liegt en 2 waarin het niet zo is. Jij geeft helemaal geen situaties. Jij geeft alleen de jouw mening dat een kind nooit mag liegen. Je beantwoord de vraag dus niet (volledig).

    vraag 4 heb je niet volledig beantwoord; er wordt namelijk gevraagd om 2 situaties en je hebt er maar 1 gegeven.

