Engelse Tekst controleren/verbeteren

  • Joost

    Wil iemand die goed is in Engels deze tekst even nakijken ???

    Rat Race

    Enrico Pollini (Rowan Atkinson) enters the special chamber where

    everyone has won a certain kind of coin. He says that he also has a gold coin. He is very glad and find it a beautiful chamber, because there is much food and drink. A group of 8 peoples must participate to a type of “race”. Everyone must get to Silver city, New-Mexico (563 Miles). They all get a key for safe 001. Who bursts this safe first get 2 million dollar. Enrico hopes that he wins. According to him you can only win if you are fast, eat many carbohydrates and breathing is also very important.

    He falls in sleep in the beginning. This happens in the lobby of the hotel. In a big part of the movie he is sleeping. Whereas other are underway for a long time to Silver city, but they have a breakdown. A group of children has waked him up and then he considers that there is a race. He runs outside and asks for a taxi. Whereas he crosses the street he becomes collided by a type patient car. (Lifeline Medical services). He stands up and isn?t wounded. He is taken along by the man in the patient car. He is now in the patient car instead of the taxi. The patient car goes in the same directions en he can go with him. If they are underway the Lifeline Medical employer (Mr. Sack) turn off the radio. He transports human hearts. He must get to Ell Paso with his car, because the airport was closed. Enrico Pollini must look at the

    heart in the mobile cool box. Suddenly he drops the heart out of the mobile cool box. Because he had driven concerning an exhaust. It had fallen of the truck which drove for them. They are still underway to Silver city. He tries to put the heart in the small pocket, but this doesn?t work and the heart flies from the window. The driver of the car presses hard on the brakes and he seeks for the heart. Suddenly a dog comes with the heart in his mouth. Whereas Enrico throws the ?dogs toys? away. The driver of the car finds again blood on his hand. He contracts behind the dog. The dog stays up to run away and runs against the electricity thread. They consider a new plan. They must look for a tramp for a new heart. Mr. Sack considers a new plan. He wants to take heart of Enrico, but that didn't work.

    Because he ran away and hitchhike a train. Mr Sack is overjoyed when the heart starts to beat. He is now taking the train to Silver city. Beside him sits a small child. He tries to play part in and there gives the key finished. If he hears that he is in Silver city he tries retrieve the key and start looking after the key. He finds the key, the child has it. The parents of the child become angry and he is thrown out the train at the next stop by the conductor. At the same moment everyone arrives in Silver City. Enrico enters the railway station. He goes in the secret chamber.

    On the sign be a text; ?Members of the gold coins enter the chamber?. The chamber is very dark, therefore he collides against a pillar. Suddenly the door opens. He is trying to open the safe, but the key breaks off. He gets a heart attack by stress. He sees god. He says; ?use this one-second glue?. Suddenly Enrico is waking up. He has the one-second glue in his hand. He glues the key belong together and opens the safe. The safe is divided in two parts. On the one hand is a text. One text is eternal happiness and love. On the other side are eternal riches. He chooses for the second safe and he sees that he win 2 million dollar. He visualises what he can do with 2 million dollar and that he has only beautiful ladies. He considers that he is unlucky and lacks of love. He gives away the half of the 2 million dollars to a charity. He leaves to Italy and meets his old love. A few years later they get married and get two daughters.

  • Angelica

    Beste Joost, ik heb heb e.e.a. verbeterd aan je tekst, ik moet wel zeggen dat ik het idee had dat er sommige tijd fouten in zitten (dus in welke tijd de zin stond) en die heb ik er niet uit gehaald.

    Rat Race

    Enrico Pollini (Rowan Atkinson) enters the special chamber where

    everyone has won a certain kind of coin. He says that he also has a gold coin. He is very glad and find it a beautiful chamber, because there is a to eat and drink. A group of 8 people must participate to a type of “race”. Everyone must get to Silver city, New-Mexico (563 Miles). They all get a key for safe 001. Who bursts this safe first get 2 million dollar. Enrico hopes that he wins. According to him you can only win if you are fast, eat many carbohydrates and breathing is also very important.

    He falls a sleep in the beginning. This happens in the lobby of the hotel. In a big part of the movie he is sleeping. Whereas others are underway for a long time to Silver city, but they have a breakdown. A group of children has waken him up and then he considers that there is a race. He runs outside and asks for a taxi. Whereas he crosses the street he becomes collided by a type of patient car. (Lifeline Medical services). He stands up and isn’t wounded. He is taken along by the man in the patient car. He now is in the patient car instead of the taxi. The patient car goes in the same directions en he can go with him. If they are underway the Lifeline Medical employer (Mr. Sack) turns off the radio. He transports human hearts. He must get to Ell Paso with his car, because the airport was closed. Enrico Pollini must look at the

    heart in the mobile cool box. Suddenly he drops the heart out of the mobile cool box. Because he had driven concerning an exhaust. It has fallen of the truck which drove for them. They are still underway to Silver city. He tries to put the heart in the small pocket, but this doesn’t work and the heart flies through the window. The driver of the car presses hard on the brakes and he seeks for the heart. Suddenly a dog comes along with the heart in his mouth. Whereas Enrico throws the “dogs toys” away. The driver of the car finds again blood on his hand. He contracts behind the dog. The dog stays up to run away and runs against the electricity thread. They consider a new plan. They must look for a tramp for a new heart. Mr. Sack considers a new plan. He wants to take the heart of Enrico, but that doesn´t work because he ran away and hitchhiked a train. Mr Sack is overjoyed when the heart starts to beat. He is now taking the train to Silver city. Beside him a small child is sitting.

    He tries to play part in it and there gives the key finished. (kromme zin ik begrijp niet wat hier staat!)

    If he hears that he is in Silver city he tries to retrieve the key and starts looking after the key. He finds the key, the child has it. The parents of the child become angry and he is thrown out the train at the next stop by the conductor. At the same moment everyone arrives in Silver City. Enrico enters the railway station. He goes into the secret chamber.

    On the sign is a text; “Members of the gold coins enter the chamber”. The chamber is very dark, therefore he collides against a pillar. Suddenly the door opens. He is trying to open the safe, but the key breaks off. He gets a heart attack by stress. He sees god. He says; “use this one-second glue”. Suddenly Enrico is waking up. He has the one-second glue in his hand. He glues the key belongings together and opens the safe. The safe is divided in two parts. On the one hand is a text. One text is eternal happiness and love. On the other side are eternal riches. He chooses for the second safe and he sees that he wins 2 million dollar. He visualises what he can do with 2 million dollar and that he would have only beautiful ladies. He considers that he is unlucky and lacks of love. He gives away the half of the 2 million dollars to a charity. He leaves to Italy and meets his old love. A few years later they get married and get two daughters.

  • Angelica

    Ik zie er nog eentje: ´Leaves FOR Italy´

  • dilara

    Hello, we are Dilara and Bo.

    Who are you?

    I'm Billy.

    How old are you.

    I'm fourteen years old.

    Have you a brother or a sister.

    Yes, I have a sister.

    Hair name is Roxanne (but everybody calls her Rox).

    I see you on the Palace magazine with the Queen, and you won the prinze $500.

    What have you done with the money.

    My sister I have bought a new bike.

    What is your hobby?

    My hobbies are playing tennis and surfing the Net.

    Where you live,I live in Bringhton.

    what is are you mothers name or a fathers name?

    My mother name is Anne, en my faters name is Jonn he is my stepfather.

    My moter is 44 years old and my stepfather is 47 years old.

  • mohamed

    On Christmas eve I ate a turkey with my familie.

    For dessert I took a piece of ice chake.

  • E Bron


    They flew to New York.

    Did they fly to New York?

    They didn’t fly to Chicago

    How did they fly to New York?


    He sold one of his cars

    Did he sell one of his cars?

    He didn’t sell of his picture

    Which did he sold one of his cars


    He drove very quickly

    Did he drive very quickly?

    He didn’t drove very quickly

    How did he drive very quickly?


    It was a green hat

    Was it a green hat?

    It is a brown hat

    What colour is it?


    Hughes died in 1976

    Died Hughes in 1976?

    Hughes didn’t died in 1975

    When did Hughes die?


    The thief shot the manager

    Did the thief shot the manager?

    The thief didn’t shot the secretary

    Who did the shot the manager?


    She wrote home every week

    Did she write to home every week?

    She didn’t wrote home every day

    How often she write home every week?


    He sent her a telegram

    Did he send her a telegram?

    He didn’t send her a telegram

    Why did he send her a telegram?


    He got up early

    Did he get up early?

    He didn’t get up early

    What time did he get up?


    The journey took five hours

    Did the journey take five hours?

    The journey didn’t take five hours

    How long takes the journey?


    She gave me some money

    Did she give me some money?

    She didn’t give me some money

    Who did me some money?


    She wore a dress

    Did she were a dress?

    She didn’t were a dress

    What did she were a dress?


    They built a house near the sea

    Did they build a house near the sea?

    They didn’t build a house near the sea.

    Where did they build a house near the sea?


    She bought some books.

    Did she buy some books?

    She didn’t buy some records

    When did she buy some books?


    Hughes was born in 1915

    Is Hughes born in 1915?

    Hughes isn’t born in 1915

    When is Hughes born?

  • Sona Sahakian


    My name is Sona.I'm 14 years old and I'm from the Netherlands.

    I tell you what I think about fashion.

    The fashion is for my beautiful world,because the clothes is always different,it's diffential style,colors.

    .When it comes to clothes,there are usually three deciding factors:quality,price and style.I like clothes regardless of current fashion.I'm wearing a bleu,purple,grey t-shirts and a black jeans.My clothes size is S and my shoes size is 36.Shoes must be comfortable,and my hair is EASY!!

    My favorite store is H&M, because it's very nice clothes and I can buy lots of clothes in H&M.

    I went to a ball and I'm wearing a white dress and a with heels.

    This is my drawing , so would bring my clothes to look.

    What do you think about clothes and fashion?


  • Ciska

    Zou iemand deze tekst misschien even kunnen doorkijken op grammatica/spellings fouten?

    For this oral test I chose the subject: ‘the impact of smell, especially peppermint scent, on the ability to concentrate of students.’

    This subject is linked to the subject of my profielwerkstuk. I’m talking about my profielwerkstuk because I still have no idea what I want to study after this year.

    The main question of my profielwerkstuk is: ‘what is the impact of lavender and peppermint scent on the ability to concentrate of students between 12 and 18 years?’

    I think this subject is very interesting, because it is fascinating that odors can influence your behavior and thoughts.

    Previous researches have shown that scents affect people. Rose scent makes you feel more romantic, lavender fragrance makes you calmer, the smell of detergent causes you to clean up, orange scent makes you less aggressive and wood scents stimulate buying behavior.

    Various studies have shown that peppermint scent has a positive effect on sport performance and alertness.

    Usually you do not notice that odors have influence on you. Therefore, smell was seen as one of the minor senses for a long time. Through research in recent years, we know that smell has many influences on our thoughts, our behavior, our memory, our mood, our sport performance and even our dreams.

    The impact of smell is usually unconscious. That is why we find it difficult to appoint odors. We can clearly name what we see of hear, but to describe exactly what we smell is much more difficult.

    About 7 months ago, in April this year, an English primary school in Liverpool has investigated the influence of peppermint odor on the students. A peppermint scent is distributed in the classrooms for four weeks long.

    The students made an assignment on the computer every day. This task tested their concentration, memory and attitude.

    The teachers noticed a positive difference and the results of the test showed the same effect.

    Before we understand how our brains are affected by odors, we still need much research. We already know that the area where your brains analyze your smell is located next to the area where your memory is located. Therefore, you can remember things better when you smell something that is linked to something in your memory.

    The teachers of the schools where the test was performed are very positive about the results. Students can concentrate better and get better grades. The directors of the schools have no doubts about the positive impact of peppermint scent in the classrooms.

    Not everyone is enthusiastic about the test. Some people say that the results are not reliable, because the students knew what the purpose of the test was, there are also people who do not believe that the conclusion which is drawn is correct. They say that the change makes the students feel more awake. They believe that when they get used tot the new scent, their performance will be the same as they were before. Others find it ridiculous that children are so spoiled. When they are older and have a job, they have to perform for real. At that moment they can not demand that their bosses make their offices smell like peppermint.

  • MaCa

    moet het in engels of amerikaans engels?

  • Ciska

    Dat maakt niet zo heel veel uit, het liefst gewoon engels.