Engelse Tekst controleren/verbeteren

  • lina

    Anwer works in a bank. His friend Sajit works in a building society. When they were boys they used to talk about how great it would be when they went to work and earned lots of money. Now all they talk about are the problems of going to work they both say: that work is a complete waste of time When you could be doing something you enjoy a lot of hours spent doing what others tell you to do too much to do with not enough time to do it in not getting paid enough money to enjoy the free time you do get Anwar and Sajit are looking forward to the day thirty years from now when they retire and can enjoy being free again.

  • Jill

    hallo, kan iemand mijn engelse tekst controleren op fouten?

    After the Second World War, the economy experience enormously. It expected a large increase in the world trade and the port of New York would benefit. Lawmakers came up with the idea to build an international or world trade centre. It thought that New York can better complete with other ports if all trading companies under one roof. In 1946 was decided to make this. The World Trade Corporation was established and a committee was composed. The World Trade Corporation had plans to draft for a global trade centre. Architect John Eberson and his son Drew proposed to build 21 buildings. This was not a commercial office space but space for companies to exhibit their goods. This project cost 150 million U.S. dollars. A market survey showed that the project was uneconomic. The plan was repealed in 1949.

    DMLA architects came up with the idea to build of the World Trade Centre in East River. In 1958 they presented the plan to the public as ‘the billion dollar plan’. Through financial support and political power could be realized World Trade Centre. When everyone agrees and support, it could e built. It was built in Lower West side instead of East River now. It was cheaper and accessibility would be better. The governor said: “At least we can see the damn thing”. Unfortunately, landowners were in protest. There were located many electronic stores. The store owners did not want this unique area would be lost. The judges decided in favour of the World Trade Centre in the name of public interest.

    They chose another architect: the Japanese American architect Minoru Yamasaki. He suggested that three or four non-identical square towers to build. Later she came up with the idea to build two identical square towers, each with eighty floors. The contractor did a nice plan, but the towers offered too little office space. The architect changes the office space. So there was not only an office but also were the two tallest towers in the world.

    After overcoming a few technical problems, presented he a new plan. The towers will consist of 110 floors. But was not enough. There were two buildings in the complex are added, the North and South Plaza Building.

    The World Trade Centre was designed for businesses that drove trade worldwide. therefore were build a complex for the U.S. customs. And a 22 floors hotel for many guests, the Vista Hotel.

  • julius

    Volgens mij is dat niet jouw Engels maar die van de vertaalmachine.

    Als het inderdaad van jou is dan doen we jou niets goeds om het zomaar te vertalen….

  • rick

    Interview school paper

    Wednesday, December 1, 2010

    By: Rick and Timo. Class: A3B.

    This is a interview with Bill Gates. The interview is about his favorite TV series.

    His favorite TV series is the big bang theory.

    1. Who is the creator of the series?

    Answer: I thought the creator was chuck Lorre. But I’m not sure about that, it’s the same guy as the one who created two and a half men.

    2. For which target was the TV series intended?

    Answer: The creator had it meant for people above 12 years old, because otherwise it is too difficult to understand. Not everyone liked it because it’s really strange humor.

    3. When did the series come true?

    Answer: the series was released on September 24 of 2007,

    but in the Netherlands is on the show on television since March 2, 2009

    4. What is the series about ?

    Answer: It’s about four friends who all work for Caltech, all of them are geeks.

    they like science and math more than girls .

    in their free time they are most of the time playing computer games, reading comics ore watching SF movies.

    Lenard and Sheldon are sharing a apartment.

    At one day they get a neighbor her name is penny she is a waitress, but she wants to be an actress, she is not as smart as Lenard ore Sheldon but she has more social skills.

    Lenard was immediately in love with Penny, but she is a bit out of his reach.

    this is what the series is pretty much about.

    5. At witch period of time does the story take place ?

    Answer: The story takes place in the presence, but sometimes it seems to be in the future because of Sheldon whit his time traveling ideas or the teleport machine he is planning to make.

    6. Who have the main rolls of the series ?

    The main rolls are:

    Johnny Galecki who plays Dr. Leonard Hofstadter,

    Jim parsons who plays Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper,

    Simon helberg who plays Howard Wolowitz,

    Kunal nayyar who plays Dr. Rajesh Koothrappalic

    This are the four geeks I told you about at question 4

    And finally Kaley Cuoco who plays penny the neighbor of Leonard and Sheldon.

    7. Can you describe the looks and character of one of the main characters ?

    Answer: I’m going to describe penny:

    she has blond hear that came up to her shoulders, she has got brown eyes and is usually dressed sexy.

    she has a slightly tanned skin.

    Her character in the show is not the smartest but she has the best looks, she is easily offended and sometimes she has a outburst which is not very weird if you have to talk to someone who thinks you are stupid. Penny and Sheldon doesn’t like each other very much.

    She have a sort of a usual life she goes out whit her friend. En study to become a actress

    8. What do you think of the series and why ?

    I think it’s a really nice series because it have great humor I really like that kind of humor.

    It’s sometimes a little bit faint but that make it only nicer.

    9. Why is this series your favorite ?

    It’s my favorite series because it usually come on a time that I have time to watch tv.

    It’s a series whit a lot of humor and when I watch TV after a hard day on my work a want to watch TV and laugh, I don’t want to look anything about murder or something like that .

    10. Why does people have to look to this series:

    It’s full of humor but when you don’t like that kind of humor I shouldn’t watch it because than it could be boring to watch but when you have mine kind of humor it’s really a recommended, if you are under the age of 12 it’s a difficult series.

    This is the end of this interview

  • floortje hompes

    Our friendship has a lot of ups and downs. You made me happy but also sad. It has long ago gone wrong, but I miss you ..

  • annabel

    heey iedereen,

    Ik moet voor engels een verslag in leveren voor een cijfer maar ik kan geen goede tekst controle op het internet vinden (gratis, grammatica en spelling checker). Weet hier iemand miss. een goede site???

    ps het is voor een redelijk lange tekst van 10 pagina's ofzo.

    thanks a lot!!!!

  • Ozcifci Merve


    My name is Ozcifci Merve.

    I am 14 years old and I celebrate my birthday on twentyfive of April and my zodiac sign is Taurus.

    I live in Genk.

    I have a sister and her name is Melike. She is eleven years old.

    My hobbies are tennis, swimming and watching TV.

    I am very trustworthy and I am honest with others.

    One downside is that I think of myself that I am often hunted.

    I am a very sweet girl but sometimes I can be stubborn.

    And I can very well relate with oters.

  • Nella?

    Hello my name is runella jolly

    I know ROmeline from the hood i live in.

    She babysits my five year old dauther and does a good job by helping me cook and clean the house

    When i am at work.

    In y eyes she is verry good with childeren she in paitient and knows how to act around childeren somes she watch my friends kids to a four year old boy Nd a 11 year old gurl.

    Romeline watches my dachter 3 ti es a week she co es to my house in the morning when i go to work she wakes my dauther takes her to the shower make her breakfast And. Give her support by putting on her cloters to go school

    She makes her lunch and take her to school. She also picks her up when school is dun.

    She takes her home and do al kinds of activetys with her like. Go bike riding. Making puzzels sometimes they dance

    Of watch a movie.

    She makes diner for my dauther she does the disches and cleans the house.

    Romeline is gurl with alot a patential i like to have her around my dauther because she treats her wel and she has a good inpact on childeren.

    My dauther loves her NAnny ROmeline

    And i think if u wil get to know her and give her a chance for the summercamp

    U all wil fall in love with het to

    Because she has got a great personality she is not 2 lazy to work hard and always wants to be the best she can be.

    If u have any further qwestions u can contact me at



    Greetings. Runella Jolly

  • A.S.Touserkani


    At the opening of the international week I received many interesting information from the teachers from Sweden and Finland, also I received many informative from the exchange students coming from Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Italy.

    The exchange students have given an introduction about Which city they are coming from?

    How their study program looks like? What kind of study subjects they get? How the points are divided? How they operate and treat a patient when they are practicing? How the teachers are working? How many years they have to study to graduate and also the number of students who each year apply for study? How is the operations such as drilling, filling and anesthesia.

    The exchange students used during their introduction a PowerPoint with pictures -images and supporting material. I found it very interesting. They used a few general pictures from their own country, the place where they study, the university building en the clinic halls with the treatment unit, s where they treat patients.

    I found it very interesting to have this information, in this way I got a very clear picture of the exchange students from four different countries, how they follow their study in their own country.

    Also we got introduction from twee teachers, they introduce themselves , where they are coming from and briefly they told us which subject word spoken during the international day. At the end of each subject you had a opportunity to ask any questions.

    I hope after you are reading my report “part 1 and 2” you have enough information about what was the important points for me and what was my experience.

    Wish you much reading pleasure.

    report part 1

    The opening of the international week start with the students whom introduce themselves, I try to summarized the opening.

    The main teaching moment of the day:

    My main teaching moment of the day is all in all the information that I have inherited from the exchange students.

    How their study (mouth care Sciences) in their own country? How is the patient treatment regulated.

    I found it very interesting that in Sweden takes 2 years to graduate for a dental hygiene and it takes 3 years for have a bachelor medical diploma.

    The next thing that I find is that, in Sweden after the patient has been treated you can have a discussion with each other and you can share your own experiences.

    Also you can have a chat with your teacher during treatment and you can ask your questions or you can call the teacher to help you if it is necessary.

    I find it so nice that they don’t have to left the patient alone if they need a help, this on nice feeling for the patient and the student.

    What also very interesting was to hear that in Denmark the treatment are free of charge.

    I find this a nice compensation for the patient, patient is motivated to come back.

    The free treatment has to be evaluated because we need the patient for the training an free of charge has a advantage that more people going to sigh as a patient, the students doesn't have to wait unnecessarily long to have a patient to treat.

    In Denmark they have exams twee times a year. It means each semester they have four exams. This is also clearly a big difference for me, in Holland each year we have four exam period, that include four or five exams for each semester.

    Each year in Denmark accept a university 72 students to start the study. At the end of the study graduate 50 student from the university. Student is allowed to fill cavities of class I and II and drilling, they have to have a permission from the dentist and under his or her supervision.

    The Italian students follow their study in 1 large building where various medical courses are given.

    From 24 of February 1997 you can start studying dental hygienist, it takes three year to graduate and each year apply 20 student to study this major.

    After half of the year start the student to have a practice and every twee weeks they have a be at university.

    They are 2 buildings where they follow the study and they practice: the Campus Biomedico and the private clinic millitare Aerossautica.

    What was interesting to hear is that the Finnish students in the 1st year of their study they study the following subjects, Optometry, Dental technology and radiography & radiotherapy. It takes 3/12 year to graduate.

    There are 52 units in a separate rooms and the student may treat patients in different groups children, youngsters, adults, also they are allowed to drill and filling cavities class I en II under the responsibility of a dentist.

    why this teaching moment is so important for me:

    In Sweden at the end of the treatment there is a discussion about the patient just be treated and you can share the experiences with each other, you can chat with the teacher you can sends a massage or you can ask them to come to help you without living the patient alone.

    I think sharing the experience and discussing about the treatment is very important for student development . I think I can use the experiences and the information from anther students, i can use their information without seeing their patient. This is a way to learn from each other.

    With this thought I hope that we use this information en allowed the student in Holland to have a discussion with each other and we also can chat with the teacher without living the treatment room.

    report part 2

    The student describe each workshop, following a clear summary of the seminar:

    workshop 1

    The main items of the scientific study shows that xylitol in chewing gum or pastilles has proven that it helps preventing cavities.

    Because of xylitol is a natural sweetener also you can find in foods like fruits, vegetables, berries and mushrooms.

    Xylitol is much sweeter than sorbitol, it does have the same level of sweetness as sucrose but 40% less calories than normal sugar and is useful if you're on a diet.

    The use of xylitol in chewing gum or pastilles has advantages.

    Preventing Cavities

    It helps the remineraliseren of caries lesions

    It reduces caries rates

    Assists in reducing the buildup plaque

    Using of xylitol make you plaque easier gone

    It stimulates the saliva

    It helps/also relieves the problems such as the drought in the mouth

    Stops acid attacks

    Stimulate and protected the salivary

    Learning experiences/moments

    The most important moment for me is:

    I find that scientific has been approved that using xylitol inhibitory as well as helps prevent cavities. Also the use of xylitol in chewing gum or pastilles for me is a reason to use that daily the advantages is the oral health in the mouth.

    The evidence is based on following experience:

    One of the teacher kept her speech on the basis of scientific studies that are done to the operation of xylitol.

    She showed in her PowerPoint sheets a tables and charts that have been used in scientific investigations and demonstrable way , it show that there is a significant difference.

    The investigations is started 1988 en finish in 2009 in Finland, it has been granted that the use of xylitol is actually a proven effect on caries inhibitory and also helping prevent dental caries.

    Workshop 2

    The main items of the seminar given by Malin Stensson and Fridlund.

    The main items in this seminar were the factors that you have to take if the patients has asthma.

    It also gave you examples which preventive steps to take to avoid oral diseases in the mouth of children or adults with asthma.

    The following preventive measures are namely;

    Early individual treatment in risk groups,

    Informative preventive measures,

    Brushing 2 times per day from adults,

    Drinking water or chewing gum after using the medication and especially to drink water when thirsty.

    They indicated that in Sweden, Denmark and Finland have the highest rate of asthma.

    In Sweden the prevalence of asthma care organizations has been doubled. She has also stated that since 1972 more patients with asthma diagnosed Netherlands and since 2002 it began to decline.

    She also said that they are 2 kinds of asthma, the antiphlogistic medication could also be used in other for control of the asthma attacks.

    Another important issue I found was that patients use the drug when they get asthma attack.

    By using the medications occur the following problems:

    caries, gingivitis and periodontal diseases ph reduction, erosions, mouth breathing, dental fear in children, mineralization (MIH), fungal infections molar incisor hypo, hoarseness, throat and change in amount of saliva and saliva composition.

    Experience moments

    My experience is that I know more about patients with asthma. I've discovered that sometimes patients with asthma have the following symptoms; difficult breathing, wheezing, cough and chest tight ness.

    The asthma attacks has been divide in 4 different classifications

    the mild and moderate these come mainly in children,

    severe and very severe these 2 classifications comes daily for in adults.

    The asthma attacks can be caused by an allergy of something else . Pets or pollen, infections, smoking or someone else is smoking.

    Also she gave that many more girls than boys after puberty get asthma she also she take about that more women have asthma.

    I found it very interesting point that they indicated that the way of living is very important for these patients to prevent asthma attacks.

    The main items of the scientific study shows that:

    The teacher daughter has also asthma that is why she study the chronic condition of asthma patient. During the workshop and in her speech she gave wetenschaplikje examinations that the cross-sectional study in very small groups which they explained in what percentage prevents asthma in relation with age and what is the reason of asthma attack at that age category and also a difference from the girls or boys.

    The main teaching moment of the day for me:

    The daily use of xylitol in chewing gum and pastilles helps prevent caries remove plaque easier with brushing and also I've decided to take where xylitol gum daily.

    I found the topic on asthma very interesting and I am going to use of medicines under other different problems can arise in the mouth such as dental caries, erosion, gingivitis and periodontal problems.

    why this moment is important for me:

    what concerns the xylitol use, I find it important that wit this information that xylitol prevent caries, lesions, stimulating the saliva also i am going to advised patients to use chewing gum and pastilles with xylitol.

    Now I'm know that the use of some medications in asthma may occur certain problems in the mouth, now I am aware that if I ever have a patient with asthma I have to give extra advice regarding the oral hygiene.

    The own contribution during this day

    I don’t have to add anything because this international day dominated by foreign teachers who held a speech about a particular topic, namely Xylitol and asthma in relation to overall health.

    I found 2 very interesting topics because it has me captivated both subjects listen to.

    I've been listening actively during this international day and taken notes of the main points and notes that I found interesting. I've picked up a lot of information and I use them during the training.